Music Fest was this weekend, and if you are not from El Dorado, you probably don't know what I am talking about, but it is the largest event that is held in our town each year. It is also one of the largest parties on Friday and Saturday night, and is held in downtown El Dorado on the square. I know in the past there has been thousands of people come into town for this event, and you see people you haven’t seen since Music Fest the previous year and some you haven’t seen in years!
This year, however, I had a totally different outlook on Music Fest, and realized that just because you leave the classroom doesn’t mean you stop being a teacher. Everywhere I looked there were students from Parkers Chapel. Not just kids I had known for years that just spoke when I saw them, but numerous students yelling, “Mrs. Shoup” as I passed. I realized that just because I was in a different atmosphere, I was still “Mrs. Shoup” to them.
I found out that getting to be “Amanda” in public and have fun no matter where I am is over. There really are students watching you no matter where you are. The realization hit me hard, and I realized how much my life has changed. Not in a bad way, and I wouldn’t change it for anything, I just have to realize how everything I do impacts the role model I am setting for students. It is just the way you are viewed by those around you, and I have never had to worry about that before.
Believe me…I am a lot more aware of my surroundings now. Where I am, what I am doing, what I am wearing, who I am with, etc. I want my students to see a good role model in and outside of the classroom!
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