When I was in high school, being a teacher was the last thing I wanted to do. My mother is the PE teacher for P - 6th grades at PC, and I thought being just like her was the LAST thing I wanted to do. I still don't want to be just like her. I can't imagine having to teach PE to 65 Kindergarten students at once, but she loves it, and the kids love her. I do think, however, being like her in the classroom is not such a bad thing. Call it growing up, or just realizing my mother was right all these years, but I think she is amazing, and anyone who watches her take the whole 2nd grade class, and have them dance to the Wii, but convince them that those who don't have remotes are still being scored because she put "imaginary sensors" in the floor will make anyone have a whole new respect for teachers.
I guess the old saying, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree" truly fits me. I am just thankful my mom is there and I have someone to help me as I continue my journey to becoming a teacher!
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